St. Pius X Catholic Church

777 E. 5th Avenue

PO Box 495

​Calvert City, KY 42029

​(270) 395-4727


© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved

Calvert City, KY

​​​St. Pius X Catholic Church

Faith Formation

St. Pius X Catholic Church

777 E. 5th Avenue

PO Box 495

​Calvert City, KY 42029

​(270) 395-4727


© Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved


Help sponsor a youth to attend an upcoming camp

or Youth Retreat

For Youth:

​​RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

RCIA is a program available for non-Catholics interested in studying about the Catholic faith or those who wish to return to return the Catholic faith. Adult volunteers are needed to serve as sponsors for candidates and other assistance. Additionally, all parishioners are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions. Classes begin this fall.

Contact the Parish office or Fr. Brian Johnson: (270) 395-4727/

RCIA Introductory Session: In September - Date to be announced soon. 

​Faith Formation

Faith Formation provides religious education for parents and children of all ages.  Meetings, retreats, classes usually meet at St. Pius X Parish in Calvert City.  For children's faith formation (kindergarten - 8th grade), classes meet every Wednesday during the school year.  Parents are encouraged to stay and help with food and crafts.    The Youth Ministry Group (7th grade through high school students) meet every Wednesday during the school year with various community activities and retreats throughout the year.  Parishioners of all ages are invited to attend retreats and learning sessions throughout the year.

Volunteers are needed to serve as catechists and aides.   To work with our children, Safe Environment certification and background check are required.

Contact Paula Schmidt: (270) 395-4727 /